
  • Leonardo Cazelato Centro Universitário Toledo
  • Pedro Henrique Rodrigues Universidade de Marília
  • Robison José Quitério Universidade Estadual Paulista




Autonomic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, heart rate, risk factors, cardiovascular diseases


Introduction: The action of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) on the heart causes increase and decrease, respectively, of heart rate (HR). The variation of HR in the rest to exercise transition may indicate how the parasympathetic nervous system behaves in the first seconds of physical exertion because an inhibition of vagal modulation occurs as an initial response of HR in the exercise. A reduced heart rate variability (HRV) in basal condition may indicate an inefficient adaptation of the ANS. In individuals that have risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, HR response during exercise take longer to reach ideal values, which may be attributed to inefficient parasympathetic modulation at the beginning of physical exertion, but there is no evidence that impaired vagal function is related to the lower HR response at the beginning of the resistance exercise. Objective: To evaluate the magnitude of HR responses during maximum physical exertion using the One Maximum Repetition Test (1RM) and to verify its relation with the behavior of HRV during the basal condition in thirteen people, aged 50-71 with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Methods: We recorded values of HR and RR intervals in basal condition and in the 1RM test protocol before and during the physical exertion. Based on the data we calculated the rest/exercise HR variation and the SD1 and RMSSD indexes of HRV in basal condition. Results: We found a strong positive correlation between rest/exercise HR variation and HRV indexes in basal condition. Conclusion: Individuals with better vagal modulation in basal condition show a greater variation of HR in maximum resistance exercise.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Cazelato, Centro Universitário Toledo

Pedro Henrique Rodrigues, Universidade de Marília

Robison José Quitério, Universidade Estadual Paulista


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