



Aliança para Inovação; Pacto Alegre; Innovation Ecosystem


The work deals with the construction and communication of the brands Aliança para Inovação - articulação UFRGS, PUCRS, Unisinos, in structuring actions of Ecosystem of Inovation, and Pacto Alegre - first delivery of the Aliança when locating in Porto Alegre, next to Town Hall, movement of engagement by Quadruple Helix - mobilizing social actors - Universities, Private Initiative, Government, Civil Society.  Place Branding via Case Study addresses both brands, positions them as opportunities to mobilize the community, in view of their respective identities, aiming at developing an environment of international innovation, reaching a significant level of media repercussion.


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Author Biography

André Iribure Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Associate Professor at Fabico/UFRGS, Collaborating Professor at PPGCIN/UFRGS, degree in Social Communication – qualification in advertising and propaganda, Master's and Doctorate in Communication and Information at PPGCOM/UFRGS with a sandwich doctorate at PPGCOM/UFRJ. UFRGS Communication Secretary 2016/2020, Regional Coordinator COGECOM/Andifes 2018/2020, Communication Coordinator Alliance for Innovation - UFRGS/PUCRS/Unisinos, Communication Coordinator Pacto Alegre - Aliança and PMPA - 2018/2020, Head of the Communication Department - 2009/ 2012, Vice-director of Fabico-UFRGS - 2012/2016. Research in the areas of history, gender, sexuality, strategic communication, information, advertising. Research coordinator Between LGBTQIA+ Representations and Repercussions: an analysis of publicity broadcast on open TV and its consequences on the Social Network – Fabico/UFRGS, CNPq support. Participant in the research Cities Imagined in the Latin American Digital Era: POA Imaginada Digital, e-mail: iribure@ufrgs.br


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