
  • Beatriz da Costa Aguiar Alves Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará – Fortaleza (CE)
  • Michele Verusca Sampaio Vidal Gonçalves
  • Emery Ciana Figueiredo Vidal Universidade Regional do Cariri – Crato (CE)
  • Lucas Dias Soares Machado Universidade Regional do Cariri – Crato (CE)
  • Ligia Ajaime Azzalis Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Diadema (SP)
  • Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca Faculdade de Medicina do ABC – Santo André (SP)




dengue fever, continuing education, health education, credentialing, notification


Introduction: Dengue fever is now one of the diseases with the highest incidence in Brazil, reaching thepopulation of all states, regardless of social class. It is the leading reemerging disease today and nearly halfof the world’s population lives at risk of acquiring it. The increase in the number of cases and the spreadto new geographical areas, especially in tropical regions, make the disease an important public healthproblem. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the qualification process of health professionalsregarding the current classification of dengue in the 19th Regional Health Care Coordination, BrejoSanto, Ceará. Method: Qualitative research, with descriptive exploratory approach, being carried out inthe 19th Regional Health Care Coordination of Brejo Santo between January and May 2016, with theparticipation of nine professionals. To analyze the data, the technique of content analysis of Bardin wasused. The research met the ethical requirements, being approved under No. 1,412,843 in the Research Ethics Committee of the School of Public Health of Ceará. Results: This study revealed the prevalence ofinformation transfer and greater involvement of the nursing class, however, there was a lack of multiplierprofessionals, as well as the use of non-active methodologies in the accomplishment of the qualifications.Conclusion: The commitment of the municipalities is necessary regarding the accomplishment of dengue-related qualifications, with emphasis on their current classification, recognizing this activity as ofparamount importance for the professional-client binomial.


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