About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Health Care is a publication of the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul - USCS ,whose mission is to disseminate knowledge in the Health Sciences Area, with a vision in the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach and that allows them to theoretical-methodological perspectives, such as the principle of health care and health education, with the aim of promoting scientific production and discussion within the scope of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the health-disease process, individually and collectively.






 Peers Evaluation Process

  1. The original articles submitted to The Journal of Health Care that meet the submission rules will be evaluated by two ad hoc reviewers in the form of a double blind review (blindly).
  2. Each article is analyzed by at least two reviewers, being evaluated by the specific editor of the area.
  3. Editors work independently and are part of the academic-scientific community.
  4. The reviewers will remain anonymous to the authors, just as the authors will not be identified by the reviewers at the express recommendation of the editors.
  5. The editors coordinate the information between the authors and the reviewers, leaving them with the final decision on which articles will be published based on the recommendations made by the reviewers.
  6. When accepted for publication, articles will be subject to minor corrections or modifications that will not alter the style developed by the author.
  7. When rejected, the articles are accompanied by justification by the editor and may be submitted again for later editions, however in a new submission.
  8. The articles submitted to the RAS will be processed free of charge for the authors.



 The Journal of Health Care is a quarterly publication and presents, as an editorial line of articles, the following division:

  1. Original articles: Text with introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions, systematically reported, presenting new information resulting from a study designed according to scientific research methodology.
  2. Review Articles: Text with introduction, development, with or without sectors determined by the authors, discussion and conclusions, which may be of the Literature Review type (updated synthesis of well-established subjects, with critical analysis of the consulted literature and conclusions)


Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


 Ethics in Scientific Production

 The RAS prioritizes the originality and relevance in the published works. And, to guarantee them, verifications are made with the aid of automated systems of analysis of authorship.

 Zeal and fairness in observing high standards of ethical behavior, for all parties involved, are crucial factors for the exemption and preservation of the quality of articles published in the RAS.  In order to achieve such standards, this journal reserves the right to:

a) Use the CrossCheck plagiarism verification software, developed by iThenticate, at the initiative of CrossRef, to verify the level of similarity, authorship conflicts and authenticity of the original articles sent, even before Deskreview.  Depending on the level of similarity, the article may be rejected, a priori;

b) Articles from Graduation Works, Dissertations and Theses, although they have greater tolerance, when submitted to “iThenticate”, they must present reference to the original work;

c) Investigate, in case of denunciation or detection of fraud in research, submission or duplicate publication, and take appropriate measures, which include: removing the article from the magazine's website, suspending publication and, in case of double publication, notifying the magazine that hosted the article and, in case of plagiarism, eventually notify the original author.

Duties of reviewers (evaluators)

 - Contributory and respectful attitude to the work and its authors;

 - Secrecy in relation to the data described in the article;

 - Zeal in the application of the scientific rigor typical of scientific writing and the elaboration standard applied by RAS;

 - Clarity in pointing out the flaws in the article under analysis;  and,  whenever possible, proposition of sources that can update or enhance the research presented.



Revista Brasileira Ciências da Saúde - USCS


Rev. Bras. Ciên. Saúde


Rev. Bras. Ciên. Saúde /Revista de Atenção à Saúde

Rev. Atenção Saúde


Support Source

 We would like to thank our national and international editors for evaluating the articles published in the The Journal of Health Care.


The Journal History

USCS Launches The Journal of Health Care. The publication is a continuation of the Brazilian Journal of Health Sciences, with changes in its focus, policy and nomenclature


The Brazilian Journal of Health Sciences - RBCS is a publication of the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS), whose mission is to disseminate scientific knowledge in the area of ​​health sciences. With about twelve years of existence, the magazine has just undergone a reformulation, changing its name to The Health Care Magazine ( Revista de Atendimento à Saúde - RAS). The first edition is now available at http://seer.uscs.edu.br

According to the chief editor of the publication at the time Dr. Carlos Alexandre Felício de Brito, the changes seek to meet new demands in the field of research “We have observed that, every year, there are greater demands at the national and international levels, with regard to disclosure by the scientific community. Thus, it is necessary to create conditions and strategies to intensify and guarantee the quality of our publications. There is a need to increase its impact on the scientific community and, therefore, it must meet the requirements of the indexing bases, for example, Scielo, LILACS, JCR, Web of Science, among others ”, he says.

To support its change in the focus (and, consequently, in the name), the magazine's management conducted a qualitative analysis of the materials published in the RBCS over the last 3 years (original articles and review articles). After that, they were analyzed, synthesized and classified according to the concept of Health Care and its competencies. It was then found that the vehicle's focus is more focused on this concept. In addition to that , the editor states that the change will also allow a greater reach and scope of the magazine. Health Care is understood as actions that may involve the promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of health-disease conditions, both individually and collectively.

Moreover, it was found, in consultation on the Capes Journals Portal, that there is no name similar to the new proposal among the 34,255  journals registered in the system, which facilitates their search.

Another change was in the focus of the magazine that previously mentioned in its mission, “the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the Health Sciences Area”, having in its mission “disseminate knowledge in the Health Sciences Area, with a view to the multiprofessional and interdisciplinary approach , allowing the existence of several theoretical and methodological perspectives,  as the principle of Health Care, in order to foster scientific production and discussion in the context of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the health-disease process, both individually and collectively ”.

Furthermore , the magazine, which previously had an Editorial Board (area editors), now has, in its place, besides  the Chief Editor, Associate Editors. According to Brito, “the strategy is to have an associate editor from each state, at least, the list of new editors is already in the first edition of RAS”. According to him, this editorial reformulation will also contribute to a wider range of published materials.

In addition to the change in the editorial board, case study articles will no longer be accepted.

The first edition of the magazine after the reformulations can be accessed through the link http://seer.uscs.edu.br

The Interested ones in sending materials can access the link http://seer.uscs.edu.br/index.php/revista_ciencias_saude/about for more information.