Learning strategies used by managers in the development of their competences in financial institutionsInformal learning strategies at work can be understood as practices that people use to assist in obtaining knowledge in a specific professional context, and the development of competences, in turn, occurs through learning. This research established as the general objective: to identify the learning strategies at work used by managers in the development of their skills in public and private financial institutions. The type of methodology was the basic interpretative qualitative research, and the data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that, both for the managers belonging to the public bank as for those from the private bank, there is a natural preference for the use of the learning strategy “interpersonal help seeking” as turning to peers or hierarchical superiors is more practical and faster. Keywords: learning strategies in the workplace; development of managerial competences; financial institutionsInformal learning strategies at work can be understood as practices that people use to assist in obtaining knowledge in a specific professional context, and the development of competences, in turn, occurs through learning. This research established as the general objective: to identify the learning strategies at work used by managers in the development of their skills in public and private financial institutions. The type of methodology was the basic interpretative qualitative research, and the data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that, both for the managers belonging to the public bank as for those from the private bank, there is a natural preference for the use of the learning strategy “interpersonal help seeking” as turning to peers or hierarchical superiors is more practical and faster. Keywords: learning strategies in the workplace; development of managerial competences; financial institutions
learning strategies in the workplace, development of managerial competences, financial institutionsAbstract
Informal learning strategies at work can be understood as practices that people use to assist in obtaining knowledge in a specific professional context, and the development of competences, in turn, occurs through learning. This research established as the general objective: to identify the learning strategies at work used by managers in the development of their skills in public and private financial institutions. The type of methodology was the basic interpretative qualitative research, and the data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews. The results indicated that, both for the managers belonging to the public bank as for those from the private bank, there is a natural preference for the use of the learning strategy “interpersonal help seeking” as turning to peers or hierarchical superiors is more practical and faster.
Keywords: learning strategies in the workplace; development of managerial competences; financial institutions
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