Science and technology parks as a quadruple helix nucleus: a proposal for regional development of Mato Grosso - Brazil
Innovation ecosystem, Quadruple helix, Mato Grosso Technological ParkAbstract
Science and technology parks are structures for promoting regional development based on the interaction between innovation actors. Through the establishment of knowledge flows, which subsidize the creation of innovations, they act as a nucleus of the quadruple helix between university, business, government and society in innovation ecosystems. This study aimed to propose actions for the development of the Mato Grosso Technological Park based on the quadruple helix model. A case study strategy was used, which included documental research, in-depth interviews and a focus group. Data were interpreted through content analysis in deduction. The results pointed out the absence of a “strong player” for the establishment of the innovation ecosystem. For this, some actions were suggested considering aspects of the region, in order to allow the park to occupy a privileged space in the quadruple helix.
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