Uberization of work: the perception of app transport drivers in the city of Goiânia





Uberization, Precariousness, Entrepreneurship


The uberization of work highlights a new way of organizing, managing and controlling work through digital platforms. The ideas of autonomy, independence and entrepreneurship as well as precariousness seem to underlie this form of management. The objective of this article was to analyze the perception of transport drivers by application in the city of Goiânia regarding their work, through a descriptive research using the Survey method, involving 99 drivers. The analysis used descriptive statistics and factor analysis. Excessive amounts of days and hours worked were identified, in addition to the finding that 78.7% of drivers either own financed vehicles or rent a car in order to work. There were also six main components, labeled as follows: Formalization of employment; Income; Autonomy; Perceived losses; Job opportunity; and Job evaluation. Drivers perceive benefits in the autonomy of flexible work, in addition to the need to contain their precariousness.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo , Federal University of Goiás (FUG)

Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) in the Administration course - Goiás-GO.

Coordinator and teacher of the Professional Master's Degree in Public Administration on a National Network (PROFIAP-UFG) - Aparecida de Goiânia-GO.

Leader of the Mutamba Research Group – Public Policies, Technology and Society (CNPq).

Graduated in Social Sciences (FFLCH-USP) - São Paulo -SP

Graduated in Administration (FEA-USP) - São Paulo-SP

Master in Administration (FEA-USP) - São Paulo-SP

PhD in Public Administration and Government (EAESP-FGV) - São Paulo-SP


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How to Cite

Moraes, R. B. de S. (2024). Uberization of work: the perception of app transport drivers in the city of Goiânia. Gestão & Regionalidade, 39, e20238117. https://doi.org/10.13037/gr.vol39.e20238117