Practice theory in consumption studies: a biblioshiny review




Practice Theory, Consumption, Biblioshiny


The Practice Theory presents relevant contributions to the understanding of consumption phenomena. Analyzing practice elements (materials, competencies, and meanings), different human activities can be interpreted. However, it is still necessary attention to which themes can be developed within the management area. The present study sought to perform a bibliometric analysis of Practice Theory and Consumption themes within the management field. A bibliometric analysis was carried out based on Scopus and Web of Science databases. The Biblioshiny tool was used to perform descriptive, co-citation, and thematic clustering analysis. Four thematic groups were identified, encompassing sustainable consumption practices, collaborative consumption practices, purchasing practices, and food practices and green-marketing. Important themes for future studies are directed to purchasing practices and food consumption. New research directions can be used based on the analyzed data.


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Author Biographies

Victor Galindo de Mello, State University of Parana

State University of Paraná
Lecturer at the Department of Administration at the State University of Paraná.

Campo Mourao/Parana/Brazil

PhD in Administration from the postgraduate program at the State University of Maringá, in the Marketing and Production Chains research line. Master and graduate in Administration from the State University of Maringá, carrying out academic mobility with the Administration Économique et Sociale course - Université de Rennes II (2014 - France). I have experience in the area of Administration, with an emphasis on Marketing, Innovation and Strategy, working mainly on the following topics: Consumer Behavior, Mobile Shopping, Sales Channels and Theory of Practice.

Olga Maria Coutinho Pépece, State University of Maringa

ORCID: 0000-0002-9155-9285
State University of Maringá
Associate Professor at the Department of Administration and the Postgraduate Doctorate and Master's Program in Administration at the State University of Maringá.

Researcher in the areas of Culture and Consumption Theories, with special interest in the themes of Gift-giving, Fashion Consumption, Meanings of Consumption, Ritualistic Consumption and Transformative Consumer Research. Associate Professor at the State University of Maringá and the Postgraduate Program in Masters and Doctorate Administration PPA-UEM. She is a member of GIPEM-Interdisciplinary Group of Marketing Research and Studies and G-COMO-Group of Fashion Consumption Studies. She has a PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Paraná UFPR (2009) with the thesis: Brands as a collection object: analysis based on the motivations for collecting and the Means-End Chain Theory. Master's degree in Administration from the Federal University of Paraná UFPR (2000) with the dissertation: Gift-giving behavior: an exploratory analysis; and Degree in Administration from the State University of Londrina UEL (1997). Coordinator of the Fashion Consumption GT at the Fashion Colloquium, Leader of the Consumer Behavior Theme at SEMEAD at USP and Leader of the Marketing and Society Theme at ANPAD.


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How to Cite

Galindo de Mello, V., & Pépece, O. M. C. (2024). Practice theory in consumption studies: a biblioshiny review. Gestão & Regionalidade, 40, E20248233.