FNDC actions in the debate on democratization of communication: some brief considerations


  • Carlos Henrique Demarchi Jornalista, mestre e doutorando em Comunicação Social pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), docente no curso de Comunicação Social do Centro Universitário Católico Salesiano Auxilium de Araçatuba e membro do grupo de pesquisa Estado e Governo.
  • Maria Teresa Miceli Kerbauy Cientista social pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), mestre e doutora em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), coordenadora do grupo de pesquisa Estado e Governo e bolsista produtividade do CNPq.




FNDC, Public Spaces, Social Participation


In the last few decades, civil society organizations have been prominent in the debates regarding topics of public interest by demanding the government greater social participation in the implementation of public policies. One of these organizations is the National Forum for the Democratization of Communication in Brazil (FNDC), a civil society organization founded 25 years ago that aims to create means for dialogue with the government in order to achieve progress on the agenda of media democratization. Based on a bibliographical research and on the analysis of FNDC documents, this article analyzes how the subject of media democratization has been addressed by the organization after the 1st Brazilian Conference on Communications (Confecom). The main concepts used for our study were public space and social participation. Our research points out that, albeit it has promoted public debate on the subject, FNDC has not been able to achieve a degree of dialogue with the government that would result in changes for the sector.



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