Unhappenings as news in the São Paulo press

exploratory research on the newsworthiness of everyday life in the newspapers O Estado de São Paulo e Folha de São Paulo



Jornalismo; Desacontecimento; Critério de noticiabilidade; Cotidiano; Imprensa paulista.


This article maps, through exploratory research, the newsworthiness of the Unhappenings in the contemporary press, namely: the coverage of unmarked facts in the newspapers “O Estado de São Paulo” and “Folha de São Paulo”, in the period from 2015 to 2020. As an informative production code centered on the everyday narrative of ordinary subjects, Unhappenings is configured against the grain of hegemonic newsmaking, guided by criteria of deviation and social prominence. It is interesting to identify, in this study, how such everyday life is reported, in terms of the intimate and social resistances of common life, in order to reflect on the gaps and potentialities of its manifestation in informative editorials, and thus weave proposals for the articulation of its newsworthiness to the contemporary journalistic scene.


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Author Biography


Doutora em Comunicação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”.


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