Political sociology and digital governance

recruitment profile of government-appointed advisers to the Internet Steering Committee (2004-2020)


  • Mauricio de Souza Fanfa UFSM
  • Mateus Coelho Martins de Albuquerque UFPR




CGIBr, Digital governance, Prosopography


The Internet Steering Committee (CGIbr) is the agency responsible for Internet governance in Brazil, that is, the regulation of its administrative and structural elements. It is formed by 21 members, 8 of which are appointed by the government. This work aims to analyze, through the prosopographical method, the profiles of the nominees between the years 2004 and 2020. The professional and educational career paths of the councilors were analyzed. In addition to analyzing nomination patterns, the work also seeks to determine if there were changes in these profiles between governments. It was possible to identify that while the first formations, in Lula's government, presented a certain heterogeneity of profiles, with the presence of academics, from the Dilma government onwards a pattern of homogenization of the nominees is established, with emphasis on post-graduated bureaucrats of the federal administration.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio de Souza Fanfa, UFSM

PhD in Social Communication (UFSM). Professor in the Department of Social Communication at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Member of the Research Group Communication, Identities, and Borders and the Research Group Communication and Development.

Mateus Coelho Martins de Albuquerque, UFPR

PhD in Political Science (UFPR). Planning, Development, and Innovation Analyst. Member of the Research Center in Political Sociology and the Observatory of Social ans Political Elites.


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