Environmental impact assessment of environmental sanitation in Brazil: reflections for the future of environmental licensing in the context of sanitation privatization





Environmental licensing, Water, Basic sanitation, Water supply, Environmental impact assessment


A bill, recently approved by the federal congress and sent to the Senate, could modify the environmental sanitation licensing. The objective of this work is to explore the evolution of environmental impact assessment legislation for environmental sanitation systems to provide technical support for the new environmental licensing framework in the context of sanitation privatization. This bibliographical and documentary study analyzes norms and resolutions representative of the legal framework applicable to environmental and water issues. The results indicate that Brazil has a broad legal scope in environmental and water resources matters, fundamental to guaranteeing guidelines for licensing potentially degrading projects, such as sanitary sewage and water supply systems. Although a scenario of an increase in these projects is foreseen due to the new legal framework for basic sanitation, the new licensing framework is a negative surprise when it excludes them from the list of initiatives submitted to environmental impact assessment.


Author Biographies

Izabel Freitas Brandão, Universidade de São Paulo

Izabel has a Master Degree in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering in the postgraduate program in Civil Engineering at the University of São Paulo with a focus on environmental planning and management. She is graduated in Environmental Engineering from the University of Brasília and studied Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cardiff University in Cardiff/UK from September 2015 to August 2016 under the Science Without Borders program.

Amarilis Lucia Casteli Figueiredo Gallardo, Universidade de São Paulo; Universidade Nove de Julho

Professor in Environmental Planning at Escola Politécnica da USP, in 2019. Post-Doctorate in Environmental Sciences at the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UK), in 2009. Doctor in Engineering at Escola Politécnica da USP, in 2004. Master in Engineering from the School of Engineering of São Carlos, USP, in 1996. Graduated in Geology from Unesp, in 1991. Professor of the Master's Program in Smart and Sustainable Cities at Universidade Nove de Julho, since 2012. Associate Professor of the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, since 2013. Researcher at the Technological Research Institute, between 1993 and 2013. CNPq productivity scholarship in Urban and Regional Planning, since 2018. She is Associate Editor of Ambiente & Sociedade Magazine. She works as an Ad-Hoc consultant for the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) and Capes. She works as a researcher and is part of the Deliberative Council of the Research Support Center (NAP) USP Cidades. She is currently the administrative director of the Hydraulic Technological Center Foundation (FCTH). She is a postdoctoral supervisor at USP Global Cities at USP's Institute for Advanced Research (IEA). Develops and guides research in the area of ​​environmental planning and management, with emphasis on impact assessment instruments (environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment and cumulative impact assessment) and environmental planning applied to urban planning, integrating the ecosystem services agenda in decision making.


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How to Cite

Freitas Brandão, I., & Lucia Casteli Figueiredo Gallardo, A. (2023). Environmental impact assessment of environmental sanitation in Brazil: reflections for the future of environmental licensing in the context of sanitation privatization. Gestão & Regionalidade, 39, e20237562. https://doi.org/10.13037/gr.vol39.e20237562