


Containment of Biohazards, Covid-19, Dentistry


INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020, brought to dentistry a readjustment, due to the emergence of new protocols that seek to treat the patient, reducing the risk of direct or cross-contamination. OBJECTIVES: This work aims to biosafety measures adopted in dental practice to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the dental environment. METHODS: This is a Scope Review, with the following guide question: “What are the new biosafety guidelines in dental practice during COVID-19?”. Searches were conducted in lilacs databases (Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences), Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed via Medline, considering publications between 2020 and 2021. A total of 922 studies were found, and 40 were selected for full reading, resulting in 7 articles to make up the sample. RESULTS: Among the most prevalent biosafety measures adopted during the pandemic period in dental care, we highlight the virtual pre-clinical screening, use of personal protective equipment with higher level of safety, air filtration after procedures or air renewal with opening of doors and windows, longer time interval between clinical care, paramentation and deparamentation strictly following protocols and conducting remote consultations. CONCLUSION: In this context, it is concluded that the recommendations on biosafety in dentistry after the emergence of COVID-19 were reappropriated and implemented before, during and after the procedures, to contain cross-contamination.


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