


Educação, Tecnologia, Melhores Práticas


All schools trace and plan goals, determine dreams to be realized so that pedagogical political projects and the entire teaching and learning process become concrete. One of the challenges faced is to make this document “alive” within school institutions, making this collaborative and reflective construction for everyone. It is understood that the school context, whether internal or external (society and the like) influences the construction of this pedagogical project, as it describes important aspects such as institutional culture, collective objective planning and the representativeness of a democratic entity of political interactions. This article aimed to investigate how teachers, students and management team deal with TDICs from the pandemic period to the face-to-face return and their records. This is a qualitative research through semi-structured interviews with managers and technology assistants, and quantitative research using the Selfie tool to analyze the self-reflection of the actors involved in two teaching institutions of a technical school. As a result, a cut of the two schools in specific in the interior of São Paulo was observed, evidencing the importance of the need and the constancy of continuous training for teachers, making them re-signify their pedagogical practices, transforming themselves into entrepreneurial and innovative teachers in a scenario of educational weaknesses, with infrastructure limitations, making it possible to be transforming agents and meanings, adding TDICs as important tools to aid the process, both in terms of content and assessments in the teaching and learning context, being enlightening by the Selfie reports to demonstrate positions and school actors' eyes.


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Author Biographies

Ruama Ramos, Universidade de Taubaté

Mestranda em Educação, UNITAU- Universidade de Taubaté. São Paulo, Brasil. 

Juliana Bussolotti, Unitau (Universidade de Taubaté)

Doutora em Geografia, UNITAU- Universidade de Taubaté. São Paulo, Brasil.


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