A Sociopolitical Perspective of Stakeholders

Narratives and Tensions in the Implementation of a Mining Company





Strategy as narrative, Sociopolitical perspective of stakeholders, Stakeholder theory. Stakeholder networks, Narrative analysis


This article analyzes how strategies are influenced by relational tensions between stakeholders who lead the narratives of implementation of a mining company: the company and the government. A strategy-as-narrative perspective and a socio-political perspective of stakeholders are adopted. From a qualitative and longitudinal approach, field research was carried out. The narrative analysis method was used for data collection and analysis through documentary research and interviews with stakeholders. The results show that the relational tensions between these stakeholders influence the production of their strategies in the search for legitimization of the interests of each stakeholder, the formation of networks between stakeholders and supporters. The results show that the sociopolitical and longitudinal embroidery of stakeholders' narratives offers an alternative for a managerial and classificatory approach of stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

José Neto, FGV/EAESP

PhD at FGV/EAESP in the Business Strategy line. Master in Administration in the Organization and Change line at the Federal University of Uberlândia. Specialist in Management with an MBA from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFR. Graduated in Business Administration and Letters with a postgraduate degree in English. Executive director of the Instituto Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos for 27 years. He held the position of Political Agent of the Municipality of Patrocínio for 8 years. Social entrepreneur in the area of ​​local development, member of the permanent forum to support micro and small companies - FOPEMIMPE of Minas Gerais. International Project Manager at The Rotary Foundation. He is President of the Cultural and Educational Association, which is dedicated to consulting and fundraising for social, educational and cultural projects. Emphasis on Participatory Management, Marketing, Strategy, Relationship Network, Innovation Management, Creative Process, Stakeholder Management and Entrepreneurship.

Jacquelaine Borges, UFU

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor of the Department of Organizations and Strategy, School of Management and Business, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - FAGEN/UFU (Brazil). Education: Post-Doctorate in Administration from the Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR; PhD in Business Administration from the Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA/USP; Master in Administration from the Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - FAGEN/UFU; Degree in Economic Sciences from the Faculdades Integradas do Triângulo (FIT). Interests in research with a qualitative approach that focus on organizational strategy and organizations, with emphasis on contributions from Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology: discourse analysis, narrative analysis and rhetorical analysis, strategic practices and policies, organizational identity and symbolism, representations and social interactions; critical perspectives on the teaching and work of executives, managers, entrepreneurs and strategists. Professional experience in business management and academic experience with orientation of research projects of undergraduate students (scientific initiation) and graduate students (dissertation and thesis) and participant of the Research Center on Management and Strategy in Organizations. Reviewer of articles for various journals and scientific events. Associate Member of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (ANPAD).


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How to Cite

Souza Neto, J. B., & Borges, J. (2024). A Sociopolitical Perspective of Stakeholders: Narratives and Tensions in the Implementation of a Mining Company. Gestão & Regionalidade, 40, e20248359. https://doi.org/10.13037/gr.vol40.e20248359