The importance of territory in defining social enterprises from urban peripheries




social entrepreneurship, urban peripheries, social enterprises


Assuming that there is a lack of consensus in defining social enterprises and given the acknowledged heterogeneity of these ventures, this work aims to understand to what extent the characteristics of socio enterprises adhere to the context of low-income urban areas. By running a multiple case study with the companies Enjoy Alimentação Orgânica and Jaubra, it was possible to identify that, although the characteristics of social enterprises can provide entrepreneurs in low-income areas with greater legitimacy before different audiences, these characteristics are poorly adherent to the context of popular territories. This article contributes to the debate about bringing up the need for consensual definitions, which may foster future models that apply to different realities. In a managerial context, it is proposed that, if acknowledged as social enterprises, these businesses may have their legitimacy reinforced and, consequently, their outcomes and the local ecosystem in low-income areas will be fostered.


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Author Biographies

Filippe Barros, FEA-USP -School of Economics, Business and Accounting- SP- Brazil

PhD Candidate in Administration at FEA-USP (São Paulo / SP); Master in Administration from FEA-USP (São Paulo / SP); Specialist in Strategic Administration from FIA (São Paulo / SP); Bachelor's degree in Social Communication focused on advertising from ESPM (São Paulo / SP).

Guilherme Rocha Formicki, FAU-USP - School of Architecture and Urbanism - São Paulo - Brazil

PhD Candidate in Urban and Regional Planning at FAU-USP (São Paulo / SP); Master in Urban Planning from Columbia University - Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (New York / NY); Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU-USP (São Paulo / SP).

Renato Czarnotta, FEA-USP -School of Economics, Business and Accounting- SP- Brazil

PhD Candidate in Organizational Economics at FEA-USP (São Pulo/SP); Master of Science from the Administration department at FEA-USP (São Paulo/SP); Bachelor's degree in Economic Sciences from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (São Paulo/SP).


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How to Cite

Barros, F., Formicki, G. R., & Czarnotta, R. (2024). The importance of territory in defining social enterprises from urban peripheries. Gestão & Regionalidade, 40(Especial), e20249345.