Cerebrovascular accident: clinical findings and major complications
cerebrovascular accident, complications, nursing, elderlyAbstract
Introduction: cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide caused by blockage or rupture of one or more arteries, causing a lack of blood circulation in the brain. Objective: To verify patients clinical conditions and complications of stroke in hospitalized patients. Method: a retrospective, exploratory study, analysing medical records of patients admitted to the inpatient unit, with a clinical diagnosis of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, for the period January-December 2011, in a university hospital in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais. The sample consisted of 314 patients’ medical records . Results: Among the patients that suffered a stroke, 94% had ischemic stroke. The risk factors were identified as: systemic arterial hypertension in 74% of patients, DM in 25% and smoking in 22%. The average hospitalization time was 11 days and 23% of patients had complications associated with the use of invasive devices. The major complications are: urinary tract infection, pressure ulcers and pneumonia. Conclusion: it has become evident that the age, length of stay and the presence of invasive devices are associated with the occurrence of complications, being necessary to decrease length of stay and establish criteria for the use of invasive devices.
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