Architectures of subversion in brazilian cinema: the second mother
Brazilian contemporary cinema. Ana Muylaert. The second mother. Brazilian contemporary city and society. Architecture and subversion.Abstract
This article discusses the subversive powerinserted in the images of The second mother (Brazil, 2015, Ana Muylaert, particularly inthose regarding the house architecture and thecity spaces. The movie, which is set in typicalurban environments of the upper middle classfamilies of contemporary Brazil, articulatesframings of public and private spaces in whichtakes place an action that, to some extent,refers to the “master and the slaves” dynamics (Gilberto Freyre). The scenic sequence showsthe artificiality of corrupted and decadent socialsystems and implodes, poetically and symptomatically,the anachronic foundations thatstructure the social relations that survive andresist articulated by implicitly accepted and reiteratedmechanisms of consented exploitationand segregation.Downloads
How to Cite
Teixeira, R. T., & Fischer, S. (2016). Architectures of subversion in brazilian cinema: the second mother. Comunicação & Inovação, 17(34), 120–134.
Copyright (c) 2016 Rafael Tassi Teixeira, Sandra Fischer

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