Influence of virtual reality in psychomotor activities and body perception of school students: a pilot study
virtual games, body notion, psychomotricity, childrenAbstract
Introduction: Psychomotricity can be defined as the science that works on the connection of body and mind. Virtual reality features can be playful tools to stimulate neuromotor abilities acquisition and improvement in growing children. Objective: To analyze Nintendo Wii® influence on psychomotor activities and body awareness in healthy children the public school system. Materials and Methods: We randomly involved in this sample three students of both genders, aged 7-10 years. Body perception was evaluated by the Askevold Protocol, balance was verified by the Fukuda test and psychomotor practices performance was analyzed by the Fonseca psychomotor test protocol . After evaluations, children have gone through a two-times-a-week virtual reality training for 30 minutes each, in a total of 10 sessions. Absolute and relative values were considered to analyze the results. Results: Regarding the COG Wii Fit® and stability could follow gains from prior to after the intervention. Score has increased in almost all games used in the intervention. Important improvements were also observed in students body perception, changing hiperesquematia condition for normoesquematia condition. Conclusion: It could be observed that virtual reality training has positively influenced performance on psychomotor activities and body perception in all children studied.
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