Psychotic episode, psychiatric emergency, nursingAbstract
Introduction: A study focused on psychiatric emergency care in general hospitals. Objective: Aiming at characterizing coping mechanisms of a nursing team regarding emergency care of patients in psychotic episodes in a hospital in the municipality of Contenda (Paraná, Brazil). Methods: A quantitative, qualitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional field study was performed with 20 participants of the nursing team who work directly with patients in psychotic episode in the institution’s emergency room. Results: Auxiliary nurses of the female gender predominated, with a mean age of 40 years old, with a 12-year-old working time, and an average of 8 years in the institution. Lack of skill and insecurity in the context of psychotic episode emergency stand out, in individual or group care. The participants emphasize the importance of continuing education, related to the lack of literature on the subject and absence of courses or training. Conclusion: The necessity of continuous education has become evident to create conditions for psychiatric emergency care and stimulate the interest of professionals in this subject, making them aware and encouraging a humanized care to the patient with mental disorder.
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