Temporal analysis of hospitalizations for femoral fractures in elderly people in the southeast region of Brazil: 2009 to 2019



Epidemiology, Femoral Fractures, Health of the Elderly


Introduction: Femoral fractures are today one of the biggest public health problems in the country, being responsible for high rates of morbidity and mortality in the elderly population. The increase in the incidence of the trauma is related to the increase in life expectancy in Brazil, and the consequent higher proportion of elderly people. Knowing the hospital statistics on the epidemiology of femoral fractures is essential for planning actions that contribute to improving the quality of health service assistance. Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of hospitalizations for femur fractures in the elderly in Southeastern Brazil. Methodology: Ecological time series study. Data collected referring to 2009 to 2019, considering the male and female sex, the different age groups and the character of the attendance of hospitalizations, on the DATASUS platform. Sample composed of the elderly population of the Southeast region of Brazil affected by fracture of the femur hospitalized in public or private regime. Results: Hospitalizations for femur fractures in the Southeast region of Brazil showed a linear growth pattern that accompanies the changing demographic profile of the country. Considering gender, women were the most affected and, with regard to age, without distinction of sex, individuals aged 80 years or over. Conclusion: The profile of hospitalization for femur fracture in the Southeast of the country is similar to the profiles found in the national territory. Thus, it is essential to plan assistance at all levels of health care, given the unquestionable increase in the frequency of this type of trauma today.


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Author Biographies

Isabelle Gualberto Souza, Centro Universitário Faculdades Integradas Pitágoras (UNIFIPMoc).

Acadêmica do curso de graduação em medicina do Centro Universitário Faculdades Integradas Pitágoras (UNIFIPMoc), Montes Claros, Minas Gerais.

Janinne Gualberto Souza, FENORD

Advogada. Graduação em Direito pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior Integrado Fundação Educacional Nordeste Mineiro - IESI/FENORD. Pós-graduanda em Direito do Trabalho e Direito Previdenciário pela Faculdade de Direito do Vale do Rio Doce (FADIVALE).

Katyane Benquerer Oliveira de Assis, UNIMONTES

Médica. Graduação em Medicina pelo Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda. Residência em Saúde da Família pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIMONTES). Pós-graduação em Geriatria pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais e Mestrado em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul.


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