Men with prostate cancer diagnosis: challenges and adaptations


  • Daiane Pereira Serafim Instituto Superior e Centro Educacional Luterano Bom Jesus – Joinville (SC), Brasil
  • Lacir Marli Wagner Cardozo Instituto Superior e Centro Educacional Luterano Bom Jesus – Joinville (SC), Brasil
  • Beatriz Schumacher Instituto Superior e Centro Educacional Luterano Bom Jesus – Joinville (SC), Brasil



Man, Nursing, Treatment of prostate cancer


Introduction: Prostate cancer is considered a malignant neoplasm, being the second most common type in the male population. It is a disease fraught with prejudices and stigmata, because the man often feels isolated, moving away from the social life. Objectives: To know the ways of coping with and/or the adap­tations of men diagnosed with prostate cancer, attended at the oncology clinic of a public hospital in Join­ville (SC), Brazil. Methodology: This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Ten men, aged 48 to 76 years, diagnosed with prostate cancer, were interviewed. Data collection was performed through a semi-structured questionnaire, with identification data and questions related to the study theme, in the period of May and June of 2016. Results: We identified that most men were aged between 60 and 65 years, hence this type of cancer being of the third age, as some authors refer. Some predisposing risk factors were also found. When we consider the reports of the participants we can understand that when diagnosed with prostate cancer, men experience difficult moments from which some feelings emerge, such as denial, prejudice, sadness and fear of death, among others. Many have sexual impotence. Conclusions: Situations of individual and family conflicts require ways of coping with and adaptation in family life. The greatest reported impact is related to sexuality. However, they reveal the importance of family and religious support in adhering to treatment.


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