
  • Renata Maria de Nassau e Braga Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – Montes Claros (MG)
  • Ana Lúcia Evangelista Araújo Fonseca Hospital Dilson Godinho – Montes Claros (MG)
  • Dianne Cordeiro Leite Ramos Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – Montes Claros (MG)
  • Renata Patrícia Fonseca Gonçalves Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – Montes Claros (MG)
  • Orlene Veloso Dias Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – Montes Claros (MG)



Nursing, cardiopulmonary arrest, hospital care


Objective: To analyze the performance of professional nursing staff in situations of care to victims of cardiopulmonary arrest in intra-hospital environment. Methodology: integrative Literature Review using the descriptors “nursing,” “cardiopulmonary arrest,” and “inpatient” connected by the Boolean operator “and” in the Virtual Health Library and in the LILACS and SciELO databases. The criteria for inclusion of articles were: full studies, in Portuguese language, published in the period from 2008 to 2014, whose approach considered the theme of this research. Were excluded studies with partial results, published in a foreign language, and that did not fit in the delimited timeframe. Results: 11 articles were included in this review, seven found in the SciELO database and four in the LILACS database. Most studies were published in 2013 (three articles), two studies were published in 2008 and two in 2009, whereas 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014 had each only one article in the sample that makes up this study. Regarding the type of study, were identified: six literature reviews; a cross-sectional study; a prospective interventional and comparative research; a cohort study, and a case study. Conclusion: Nursing professionals are usually the first to identify and begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers. Thus, the studies reviewed indicate that the periodic training of nurses and technicians it is of the utmost importance to provide assistance in accordance with the most up-to-date guidelines and protocols.


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Author Biography

Renata Maria de Nassau e Braga, Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – Montes Claros (MG)

Enfermeira. Especialista em Emergência, Trauma e Terapia Intensiva e Gestão de Serviços e Sistemas de Saúde pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - Unimontes.


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