Health Behavior and Materna Feelings on Breastfeeding during Covid-19 Pandemic

Breastfeeding during Pandemic




Aleitamento materno, COVID 19, Sentimentos, Atitude, Comportamento, Breastfeeding , Feelings, Attitude, Behavior


The COVID-19 pandemic state created a scenario of difficulties, including in relation to breastfeeding. The practice of health behaviors such as social isolation and the use of masks, configured drastic changes for postpartum women. The objective of the current study is to describe the consequences of those changes and its implications in the daily life of nursing women. The study was carried out with a descriptive and qualitative approach, through interviews by phone calls or by Google Forms with women, which are registered in the Human Milk Bank from Cassiano Antônio de Morais´s Hospital. The information analysis was carried out by categories. In the health behavior section, the main focus is on social isolation and hygiene practices. In the prevention acts section, all respondents denied the use of preventive medications and the majority showed to be in favor of the vaccine. In relation to feelings, the most common one was the fear. Social isolation was described as favorable, though, due to the opportunity to reinforce the maternal bond. In short, despite the contamination fear, nursing women reported that they adapted well to the habit changes and the longer time spent at home was popular between respondents.


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Author Biographies

Lázara Moraus Martins da Rocha, Universidade Vila Velha

Atualmente acadêmica de medicina da Universidade Vila Velha (UVV) (2020-2026), Vila Velha, ES, Brasil

Marcella Moraes de Paula, Universidade Vila Velha

Atualmente acadêmica de medicina da Universidade Vila Velha (UVV) (2020-2025), Vila Velha, ES, Brasil

Maria de Fatima Araújo da Fonseca, Universidade Vila Velha

Atualmente acadêmica de medicina da Universidade Vila Velha (UVV) (2020-2026), Vila Velha, ES, Brasil

Amália Brandão Piovesan, Universidade Vila Velha

Atualmente acadêmica de medicina da Universidade Vila Velha (UVV) (2020-2026), Vila Velha, ES, Brasil

Mônica Barros de Pontes, Universidade Vila Velha

Doutora em Enfermagem. Coordenadora do Banco de Leite Humano do Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes, Ufes, Vitória, ES, Brasil. Professora Titular II da Universidade de Vila Velha - UVV, Vila Velha, ES, Brasil.


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