
  • Juliana da Silva Garcia Nascimento universidade de uberaba
  • Fabiana Cristina Pires Universidade de Uberaba
  • Larissa Andrade Pereira Universidade de Uberaba
  • Fernanda Cristina Moraes Borges universidade de uberaba
  • Thais Cristianne dos Santos Silva Universidade de Uberaba



Breast feeding, education, postpartum period


Introduction: Breastmilk is the child's first food, which makes educational guidance at bedside essential in this context. Objective: To understand the orientation process needed to breastfeed from the perspective of nurses and mothers. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach, performed through a semi-structured interview with fifteen puerperal women and four nurses. Results: The nurses' perception made it possible to identify two themes: the first is related to the guidelines for breastfeeding, namely; the time the baby should remain nursing; the correct handle; the correct positioning; need to alternate breast; the feeding interval. The difficulties involved in this process were the second theme setting; the lack of knowledge and the insecurity of the puerperal woman to breastfeed; the need for nurses to take ownership of their role as educators; the need to strengthen the link between primary care and tertiary care in health. The analysis of the puerperal woman perception also generated two themes: received references to bedside, whose references corroborated those made by the nurses; contradictions in the educational approaches, showing the different ways of carrying out the orientations by the professionals. Conclusions: Despite the orientation process carried out by the nurses, the orientation perceived by the puerperal women have identified gaps in the education carried out on the bedside as to the alignment of professional speech, evidencing the disarticulation of this process and making it difficult for the puerperian to understand, which reinforces the need for adoption of protocols.


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Author Biographies

Juliana da Silva Garcia Nascimento, universidade de uberaba

Enfermeira- Mestre- Docente no curso de graduação em enfermagem da universidade de uberaba.

Fabiana Cristina Pires, Universidade de Uberaba

Graduanda do curso de enfermagem da universidade de uberaba.

Larissa Andrade Pereira, Universidade de Uberaba

Enfermeira, preceptora de estagio no curso de graduação em enfermagem da universidade de uberaba

Fernanda Cristina Moraes Borges, universidade de uberaba

Enfermeira, preceptora de estagio no curso de graduação em enfermagem da universidade de uberaba

Thais Cristianne dos Santos Silva, Universidade de Uberaba

Academica do curso de graduação em enfermagem da universidade de uberaba


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